Princess Tam Tam

Princesse TamTam is a 1935 French blackandwhite film which stars Josephine Baker as a local Tunisian girl who is educated and then introduced to Parisian high society. Baker sings two songs, Dream Ship and Neath the Tropical Blue Skies, in the film, and dances a number of times.

Lucie is further enraged by all the attention that Alwina receives and, after her friend sees Alwina dance provocatively in a sailors bar, calls upon her Maharaja to craft a plan which will destroy her husbands relation with the princess. The Maharaja throws a grand party, inviting the upper crust of Parisian society. Alwina is unable to resist the exotic music, and promptly joins the large, staged dance number, embarrassing Max until he realizes that the entire audience is on their feet, applauding Alwina. Lucie is furious.Lucie and Max forgive each other in the end and fall in love again, Alwina returns to Tunisia after the frustrating realization that, as the Maharaja puts it, Some windows face to the West, and the others to the East. Ultimately, however, the entire European affair is revealed to be little more than an enactment of Maxs novel in progress. Alwina never does go to Europe, and the primary events of the film are simply a staging of how Max has imagined them. Alwina is given Maxs Tunisian estate, and Maxs new novel is a success. The title of his new work is Civilisation. When asked about Alwina while back in Europe, Max states that she is Better where she is. ........

Source: Wikipedia